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Finally, a good Subversion client for Mac OS X. If you don’t have a Mac, or don’t know what SVN is, please accept my apologies for this very directed post. To the one guy remaining, rejoice: For the longest time, there has been no good SVN interface available on the Mac. Windows folks had TortoiseSVN, and Linux folks wouldn’t be caught.

  • Svn Client For Mac Free Download; Free Svn Client For Mac; The only Mac client with Subversion 1.14, interactive conflict resolution and native shelving & checkpointing. Free Download Buy Now. 14 Day Free Trial Version 1.3.7 Requires macOS 10.11 or later What people are saying on the App Store. It's not Mac OS X native, but you can give Eclipse.
  • Subversion, sometimes called SVN, is an open-source system that remembers every change made to your files and directories. It can be helpful if you'd like to track how your documents have changed over time or to recover an older version of a file. Start at Step 1 for detailed instructions for installing Subversion on Mac OS X.

The popular Subversion client for OS X, Windows and Linux. Available as free Foundation edition and as full-featured Professional edition. Edit Article How to Install Subversion on Mac OS X. In this Article: Install From a Binary Package Set Up Your Subversion Environment Community Q&A Subversion, sometimes called SVN, is an open-source system that remembers every change made to your files and directories.

Is your next big business idea is based on software development? Does it involve an elaborate technical concept, or simply requires a large distributed team working on one task? Then you need to learn two words by heart: Version Control.

Version control, also called subversion control, or revision control, helps large projects from spinning out of control by letting individual programmers, writers, or project managers tackle a project from different angles without getting in each other’s way and without doing damage that can’t be undone.

There’s a great visual introduction to version control here if you are completely unfamiliar with the concept.

See how Time Doctor’s easy-to-use time tracking software can help your team be more productive.

If you prefer a video explanation, check this one from GitHub instead:

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So, which version control is right for your project?

There are a number of solutions out there, and so we’ve put together a definitive feature comparison so you can decide the best solution for you.

This is a fairly technical topic, so if you don’t have a software background, read our comparison carefully, and consult with your lead technical personnel before you make any final decisions.

Version control software, including the well known SVN and Git, was designed from the ground up to allow teams of programmers to work on a project together without wasting man-hours on paperwork. Instead of manually scanning branches of code and associated notes, version control allows for a central repository that is organized, logical, and facilitates file updates, notation, and even merging.

There are a lot of opinions regarding which version control framework is the best, and can force programmers and project management teams into fierce debate. When choosing the right version control for your project, you should consider that some of pros of one package you will come across are subjective, meaning the opinion of the programmer, and other factors, such as speed and IDE plug-in capabilities, overshadow the raw numbers.

The main difference between version control systems is whether they are server based or peer-to-peer. Either they have a centralized repository where code is checked out and back in with changes, or a setup where the code is frequently updated from peer sources, a more decentralized network, to keep code current.

Beyond that, you will also want to consider speed, functionality, and the learning curve associated with the system. To decide which one is right for your project and team, let’s take a look at some of the major systems available and the reasons why some programmers prefer one over the other.

Concurrent Versions System (CVS)

CVS has been around since the 80s, and has been very popular with both commercial and open source developers.

It is released under the GNU license, and uses a system to let users “check out” the code they are going to work on and “check in” their changes.

Originally, CVS handled conflicts between two programmers by only allowing for the latest version of the code to be worked on and updated. As such, it was a first come, first serve system where the user must publish changes quickly to ensure that other users haven’t beat them to the punch.

Now, CVS can handle branching projects so the developed software can diverge into different products with unique features and will be reconciled at a later time.

The CVS server runs on Unix-like systems with client software that runs on multiple operating systems. It is considered the most mature version control system because it has been developed for such a long time and does not receive many requests for new features at this time.

A fork project of CVS, CVSNT was created to run CVS on Windows servers, and it is currently being actively developed to increase functionality.


  • Has been in use for many years and is considered mature technology


  • Moving or renaming files does not include a version update
  • Security risks from symbolic links to files
  • No atomic operation support, leading to source corruption
  • Branch operations are expensive as it is not designed for long-term branching

Apache Subversion (SVN)

SVN was created as an alternative to CVS that would fix some bugs in the CVS system while maintaining high compatibility with it.

Like CVS, SVN is free and open source with the difference of being distributed under the Apache license as opposed to GNU.

To prevent corruption in the database from being corrupted, SVN employs a concept called atomic operations. Either all of the changes made to the source are applied or none are applied, meaning that no partial changes will break the original source.

Many developers have switched to SVN as it is a newer technology that takes the best features of CVS and improves upon them.

While CVS’s branch operations are expensive and do not really lend themselves to long-term forks in the project, SVN is designed to allow for it, lending itself better to large, forked projects with many directions.

Criticism of SVN includes slower comparative speed and the lack of distributed revision control. Distributed revision control uses a peer-to-peer model rather than using a centralized server to store code updates. While a peer-to-peer model would work better for world-wide, open source projects, it may not be ideal in other situations. The downside to a dedicated server approach is that when the server is down, no clients are able to access the code.


  • Newer system based on CVS
  • Includes atomic operations
  • Cheaper branch operations
  • Wide variety of plug-ins for IDEs
  • Does not use peer-to-peer model


  • Still contains bugs relating to renaming files and directories
  • Insufficient repository management commands
  • Slower comparative speed


First developed by Linus Torvalds of Linux fame, Git takes a radical approach that differs greatly from CVS and SVN.

The original concepts for Git were to make a faster, distributed revision control system that would openly defy conventions and practices used in CVS. It is primarily developed for Linux and has the highest speeds on there.

It will also run on other Unix-like systems, and native ports of Git are available for Windows as msysgit.

As there is no centralized server, Git does not lend itself to single developer projects or small teams as the code may not necessarily be available when using a non-repository computer. Workarounds exist for this problem, and some see Git’s improved speed as a decent tradeoff for the hassle.


Git also comes equipped with a wide variety of tools to help users navigate the history system. Each instance of the source contains the entire history tree, which can be useful when developing without an internet connection.


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  • Great for those who hate CVS/SVN
  • Dramatic increase in operation speed
  • Cheap branch operations
  • Full history tree available offline
  • Distributed, peer-to-peer model


  • Learning curve for those used to SVN
  • Not optimal for single developers
  • Limited Windows support compared to Linux


Mercurial began close to the same time as Git and is also a distributed revision control tool.

It was originally made to compete with Git for Linux kernel development, and as Git was selected, Mercurial has seen less success in that area. However, that is not to say that it is not used as many major developments use it, including

It’s different from other revision control systems in that Mercurial is primarily implemented in Python as opposed to C, but there are some instances where C is used.

Due to its distributed nature and its creation in Python, the Python language developers are considering a switch to Mercurial as it would allow non-core developers to have easier access to creating new trees and reverting changes.

Users have noted that Mercurial shares some features with SVN as well as being a distributed system, and because of the similarities, the learning curve for those already familiar with SVN will be less steep. The documentation for Mercurial also is more complete and will facilitate learning the differences faster.

Some of the major drawbacks to Mercurial include that it doesn’t allow for two parents to be merged and unlike Git, it uses an extension system rather than being scriptable. That may be ideal for some programmers, but many find the power of Git to be a feature they don’t want to trade off.


  • Easier to learn than Git
  • Better documentation
  • Distributed model


  • No merging of two parents
  • Extension-based rather than scriptability
  • Less out of the box power

Which system should I use?

For the most part, people use CVS because they are already used to it, and while some of the quirks and limitations are bothersome, they’ve already figured out how to make a work around the given limitations and have those workarounds implemented. Especially if your team is currently engaged on a certain project, the prospect of migrating everything to another revision control is annoying, and if they were to switch, it would most likely be to SVN.

As it has now moved into the “mature technology” part of its life cycle, it is unlikely that CVS will come out with any groundbreaking features, and as momentum is lost in the project as people move to SVN, it appears most likely it is on its way out. Better mail client for mac command line.

SVN is currently the king of server-based version control. It has all of the good features of CVS and improves upon them. In terms of corporate interaction, you are more likely to come across CVS or SVN than you will with Git or Mercurial, so a familiarity with single server technology, while not a requirement, will ease the transitions in the workplace.

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With its wide range of usage and its software maturity level, SVN has a large knowledge base, and users will be able to find help readily accessible from other users. /download-minecraft-hack-client-for-mac-5976/.

Git has a clear speed improvement over its competitors, and for projects that lend themselves to distributed systems, it is a clear improvement.

The primary downside cited for Git is that it can be at times difficult to explain to others, and there is likely to be a slow down in production as programmers adapt to it. Once it is learned, however, the speed increases and better branch management will reclaim that time and more.

For those absolutely repulsed by Git (and it does have its sworn enemies in the programming world), Mercurial offers a bridge between SVN and Git that is well documented and used in many well known projects.

The Windows-friendly version of Git has also made some strides which brings the speed closer to that of the Linux versions, so it could still be on the table if you are not developing in Linux.

To find out which one is best for you, consider the project and the developers. And talk to them!

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If you want to have a single master source tree that is being worked on by a small core development group, SVN should be the first system you try as it’s reliable and tailored for that.

If you are starting an open source project where several programmers are going to be working at different times and/or submitting several updates to the code, Git is an excellent choice for your project due to the huge speed boost and improved tree management over SVN.

If you’re somewhere in the middle or you just really don’t like the way SVN or Git works for you after trying them, there’s always Mercurial.

All of these systems are fully functional. They’re also all free. They’ve all been used to create software, websites, and even operating systems that you’ve used and heard of.

The first decision you will need to make is whether the choice fit the needs of your business and team, and then—just as important—you should make sure your choice isn’t going to send your coding team into a rage.

Getting Started with SVN

If you’ve never worked with SVN or GIT before, and wouldn’t have a clue where to start, a hosted solution coupled with a graphical desktop client means you can be up and running in no time.

Like most things, you’ll learn your way around more quickly by jumping in and trying things out – Using Subversion is very similar to working with files from your host using an FTP client. If you’ve never done that before, perhaps try that first.

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NOTE: I wouldn’t have a clue how to set up subversion hosting, there are plenty of great hosted options around, some with free trials so you can create your very first repository (the place where you’ll collaborate on files) at no cost. Here are some options to check out.

SVN & GIT Hosting

  • Beanstalk

    – Secure, private and reliable Git and Subversion hosting. View activity, browse files, compare revisions. Great user interface. Integrates with a bunch of popular services, including Twitter! From $15 a month

  • Unfuddle

    – popular subversion and git hosting and hosted project management solution for software development teams. Comes with a handy Widget for Mac OS – you can monitor account activity across all of your projects from one simple interface. Free with 2 people, with 1 project for up to 200MB storage

  • SlikSVN

    – another option for free hosting, but not as good as Unfuddle, subscriptions are competitive. Free with 1 person, with 1 project for up to 100MB storage


    – Subversion, GIT and Mercurial hosting. A decent feature set and represent excellent value for money. From $5 a month with unlimited projects, users and up to 2GB of storage

Creating your first repository

Once you’ve created an account, you will need to create a repository – different on each platform. Typically you’d do something like this:

  • Once logged in, click on your projects
  • Create a project:
    • Under Create a New Project enter a name for your project.
    • Click on the Create Project button
  • Enable Subversion:
    • Once your project is created, click on the Source Control tab
    • Click on the link Enable Source Control
    • Give your Subversion repository a name.
    • Click on the Save button

Graphical Clients for SVN and GIT

You’ve got your repository setup, and if you want a simple way to access it, a graphical interface is your best option.

  • TortoiseSVN

    – an easy to use source control software for Microsoft Windows and possibly the best standalone Apache Subversion client there is. It is implemented as a Windows shell extension, which makes it integrate seamlessly with explorer. It’s also open source with around 34 language packs available

  • SmartGit

    – a graphical client for Git, an Open Source distributed version control system. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. $39 USD per license

  • Versions

    – SVN client for MAC OS X – Versions offers the simplest Subversion on the Mac. In their own words, “Thanks to its clear-cut approach, you’ll hit the ground running”. It is easy to use. $39 GBP (around $64 USD at today’s exchange rates).

  • Tower

    – GIT client for MAC OS X – is another very elegant solution, and is perfect for GIT users who have no need to learn command line syntax. There’s also a good introductory overview on their product tour which covers a lot of the basic GIT concepts (see below). ~ around $50 USD per license, cheaper multi-license options are available

“Checkout” your repository

In whatever client you are using, you need to create a new source control repository. You will need to enter the URL of you repository along with your user name and password in your client.

The URL will typically look something like: https://svn<server number><repository>
(you can use https:// (SSL) if you have a paid account)

  1. click on the root folder, then click on the Check Out but­ton and cre­ate a work­ing folder in the client. You can now add files to this folder.
  2. After check­ing out the project files, you can edit them from the directory you’ve created on your local computer

After edit­ing files, to commit them, click the check In but­ton in the tool­bar to update the changes. You can review the changes and add a com­ment – it’s a good idea to add comments so you can remember what you were work­ing on, what changes you made, and to notify other members of your project what you’ve been up to.

In your client you should also be able to check revisions at any time by click­ing on the revision viewer or history button – you can then restore previous changes, for each file if necessary. Once you have your head around these basic concepts, the documentation provided with each client is a good starting point for more advanced features.

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All of these systems are fully functional. They’re also all free. They’ve all been used to create software, websites, plugins and themes, coding frameworks, mobile and web applications and even fully-fledged operating systems that you’ve used and heard of.

Besides the ability to back up your code safely in the cloud, allowing your developers to work from anywhere, version control can also allow you to find and revert changes which might have broken your regression tests. By performing a diff between the current and previous versions, you can easily determine what has changes were made and then rectify as necessary.

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A comparison of Subversion clients includes various aspects of computer software implementations of the client role using the client–server model of the Subversionrevision control system.

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TortoiseSVN, a Windows shell extension, gives feedback on the state of versioned items by adding overlays to the icons in the Windows Explorer. Repository commands can be executed from the enhanced context menu provided by Tortoise.

Cornerstone is a GUI for Subversion written with Xcode for MacOS X.

SmartSVN provides a similar Explorer integration, but also can be used as a standalone SVN client for different platforms. SmartSVN is available in three different editions: A free Foundation edition with fewer features and two commercial editions called Professional and Enterprise with the full feature set.

Some programmers prefer to have a client integrated within their development environment. Such environments may provide visual feedback of the state of versioned items and add repository commands to the menus of the development environment. Examples of this approach include AnkhSVN, and VisualSVN for use with Microsoft Visual Studio, and Subversive[1][2]for use with Eclipse. Delphi XE Subversion integration is built into the Delphi IDE.

It is common to expose Subversion via Webdav using the Apache web server. In this case, any Webdav client can be used, but the functionality provided this way may be limited. Alternative ways to serve Subversion include uberSVN and VisualSVN Server.

Subversion clients comparison table[edit]

NameProgramming language, toolkitOperating systemLicenseIntegrationLanguagesNetwork protocolsCurrent versionLast release dateServer functionalityVisualization
AnkhSVNC#, SharpSvnMicrosoft WindowsApache LicenseMicrosoft Visual Studio (all editions except Express)Englishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file2.6.12735October 5, 2016;
2 years ago
NoDiff, blame, history, properties
CornerstoneXcodemacOSProprietary, free trials availableStandalone GUIEnglishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file3.1February 8, 2018;
18 months ago
NoDiff, blame, history, properties
CODESYS SVNC#, SharpSvnMicrosoft Windowsproprietary, trials can be negotiatedSVN plugin for CODESYS V3English, Germanhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, fileV4.1.0.2 (based on SVN 1.9.4)November 3, 2016;
2 years ago
NoDiff, merge, log
eSvnC++, QtUnix-like operating systems (GNU/Linux distributions, FreeBSD, Sun Solaris and others), Mac OS X and WindowsGPLGUI, standalone (like WinCVS, Cervisia)Englishhttp, svn0.6.12For *nix OSs: July 16, 2007;
12 years ago
.[3] For Windows: July 12, 2007;
12 years ago
kdesvnC++, QtLinux, Unix, Mac OS XGPLKonqueror, Dolphin, standaloneEnglishfile, http, https, (k)svn, (k)svn+file, (k)svn+http, (k)svn+https, (k)svn+ssh2.0.0December 4, 2016;
2 years ago
PixelNovel TimelineC++Mac OS X, Microsoft WindowsFree if used with PixelNovel web storage, 30-day trial with commercial upgrade otherwiseAdobe PhotoshopEnglishsvn1.0July 7, 2009;
10 years ago
QSvnC++, QtLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Microsoft WindowsGPLGUI, standalone (like WinCVS)English0.8.3July 26, 2009;
10 years ago
RabbitVCSPython, GTK+LinuxGPLNautilus, Thunar, Gedit, CLIca, cs, de, en, es, fa, fr, he, hr, it, ja, nb, nl, pl, pt, ro, ru, sk, sl, sv, zh_CNhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file0.17 [8]June 23, 2017;
2 years ago
RapidSVNC++, wxWidgetsLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, Solaris, many moreGPLGUI, standaloneUnicode, many0.12.1June 28, 2012;
7 years ago
SubTileXUL, JavascriptLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows (Any with Xulrunner or Firefox)GPL, Mozilla Public License, Apache LicenseGUI, standaloneEnglishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh0.2May 3, 2016;
3 years ago
NoDiff, merge, revision graph
SVN NotifierC#Microsoft WindowsGPLGUI, standalone. It needs TortoiseSVN installed.Englishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file1.9.3June 25, 2012;
7 years ago
TortoiseSVNC++, MFCMicrosoft Windows (32/64-bit)GPLWindows Shell (Explorer)54 languages (including en)http, https, svn, svn+ssh, file, svn+XXX1.12.0April 25, 2019;
4 months ago
YesDiff, merge, Revision Tree, blame
TracPythonLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Microsoft WindowsModified BSDweb-based[31 languages][3]file1.2.4[12]July 17, 2019;
49 days ago
Version Control for engineers-WindowsfreewareGUI, standaloneEnglishhttp, https, svn, file0.20November 10, 2016;
2 years ago
NoInternal image diff, external diff, diff for MS Word doc, MS Visio VSD drawings, DWG and DXF drawings, Kompas CDW, commit logging
ViewVCPythonhttp, https'two-clause Berkeley-style'web-basedEnglishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file1.1.23November 4, 2014;
4 years ago
?Diff, annotation, blame, revision graph
VisualSVNMicrosoft Windows (32/64-bit)proprietaryMicrosoft Visual Studio (all editions except Express)Englishhttp, https, svn, svn+ssh, file6.0.4September 11, 2017;
23 months ago
XcodeObjective-C, CocoaMac OS XProprietary, free on Mac App StoreXcode IDEEnglish5.0.1 (4H127)October 22, 2013;
5 years ago

Standalone Subversion clients comparison table[edit]

Client nameFreeNetwork protocolsDiffMergeBrowse remote repository
CornerstoneNofile, http, https, svn, svn+file, svn+http, svn+https, svn+sshYesYesYes
eSvnYeshttp, svn???
kdesvnYesfile, http, https, (k)svn, (k)svn+file, (k)svn+http, (k)svn+https, (k)svn+sshYesYesYes
SubTileYeshttp, https, svn, svn+sshYesYesYes

See also[edit]


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  1. ^Cei, Ugo; Lucidi, Piergiorgio (2010). Alfresco 3 Web Services. Packt Publishing Ltd. p. n.p. ISBN9781849511537. Retrieved 2013-03-04. In Eclipse, for instance, you will have to install one of the existing Subversion plugins, such as Subversive [..]
  2. ^
  3. ^eSvn - Browse /eSvn/0.6.12 at
  4. ^eSvn - Browse /eSvn/0.6.11 at
  5. ^Released Version 2.0.0 – Kdesvn project
  6. ^Press Room - PixelNovel - innovative tools for Adobe Photoshop users, such as version control for Photoshop and a Photoshop plugin for exporting photos to FlickrArchived 2012-07-12 at
  7. ^PixelNovel Timeline Released - Press Release -PixelNovel - innovative tools for Adobe Photoshop users, such as version control for Photoshop and a Photoshop plugin for exportin..Archived 2012-07-13 at
  8. ^[1]
  9. ^[2]
  10. ^SubTile Project
  11. ^*checkout*/svnnotifier/trunk/ReleaseNotes.txt
  12. ^Trac Changelog
  13. ^Trac Changelog
  14. ^″Version Control for engineers″ page on Sourceforge
  15. ^viewvc Documents & files:
  16. ^VisualSVN Version History
Retrieved from ''

Subversion (also known as SVN) is a popular version control system. Accessing SVN repositories with OS X is easy – and there are numerous options to do so. In this article we’ll cover 12 different applications that let you access and use Subversion in OS X.

Version 1.4 of the command-line SVN client ships with OS X Leopard and is the quickest way to get started (for OS X Tiger, or if you need SVN 1.5 an easy installer can be found here). All you need to do is fire up the Terminal application and type svn with the required parameters. A great resource to learning how to use the command-line client (and all the functionality of Subversion) can be found at Version Control with Subversion — a free online book. From the command line you can do everything required. In fact, some people will swear against doing anything SVN-related without dealing directly with the command line.

Svn Client Mac Software Syncro SVN Client for Mac OS X v.6.2 B Syncro SVN Client is a very useful tool that makes it easier to share document and code between developers or content authors. The popular Subversion client for OS X, Windows and Linux. Available as free Foundation edition and as full-featured Professional edition. Our software library provides a free download of Syncro SVN Client 20.0 for Mac. This Mac application is a product of SyncRO Soft LTD. The most recent installation package that can be downloaded is 93 MB in size. Edit Article How to Install Subversion on Mac OS X. In this Article: Install From a Binary Package Set Up Your Subversion Environment Community Q&A Subversion, sometimes called SVN, is an open-source system that remembers every change made to your files and directories.

However there are reasons most of us love OS X, and a large number of those reasons relate to the great user interface experience. So what tools are there that can expose SVN functionality via a user interface?

Mac-Only SVN Clients

If you have a need to access a subversion repository with OS X, you are likely to already be familiar with XCode, Apple’s (s aapl) development IDE. Like most good IDEs, XCode has built-in support for version control, including SVN (as well as CVS and Perforce). This works well for basic functionality and if the scope of your needs falls within OS X and/or iPhone development, this will do the job.

svnX is an open source SVN client that uses the SVN command-line client to do the actual work and for a long time it was the best fully-featured native OS X client. The UI, however, is not what we have all come to expect from a great OS X application and it hurts the user experience. Nonetheless, for a free UI solution, one can’t complain.

Versions is a relatively recent commercial subversion client, made specifically for OS X, and looks like it belongs. It costs €39 ($50), but that’s a reasonable price to pay for such functionality with polish. A 21-day trial can be downloaded for free. Along with Cornerstone described below, it is the cream of the OS X Subversion clients.

Like Versions, Cornerstone is a commercial subversion client made specially for OS X that leverages its UI. At $69 (a free 14-day trial can be downloaded) it has feature parity with Versions and can also be considered a premium solution for accessing Subversion on OS X.

SCPlugin is an open-source client that integrates with Finder and enables you to work with your source without loading a separate application. Using icon overlays, it enables you to see at a glance the state of your files, letting you perform SVN actions via the standard Finder popup menu. This was inspired by TortoiseSVN, a popular Windows SVN tool that integrates with Explorer.

SCPlugin is still in development and while it’s mostly functional, there are still issues with reliably badging the icons (you also need to turn off Finder’s Icon Preview feature). Nonetheless, the crucial SVN functionality (checkout, update, commit) work well. When its issues get ironed out this will be a killer solution.

Of note, this can be installed and used along with another option (ie. Versions or Cornerstone) and will simply reflect the SVN status of a local working directory by reading SVN’s hidden control files.

/free-ftp-client-for-mac-os-x-5712/. iSVN is currently still in development and available for free (license for the final release is still to be determined by the author), however it is quite functional in its pre-release form and requires the command-line SVN client.

These are a collection of Apple Scripts that enable you to work with SVN directly from within Finder via Finder Scripts. Unlike SCPlugin, these are less intrusive and do not modify the look of Finder in any way. They offer a good middle ground for power users who are used to using SVN on the command line and want a quicker way to perform actions. They also allow for productive use with QuickSilver. It requires the standard SVN command-line client.

Cross Platform SVN Clients

In addition to the above native OS X applications, there are numerous cross-platform clients that will run on OS X. While the big disadvantage to these is the lack of an OS X-friendly user interface, if you need to access Subversion across different platforms, and would like to use the same client everywhere, these will give you a standard and consistence interface. The following clients ran without issue on my OS X 10.5.6 system.

RapidSVN is an open-source client for Windows, Linux, OS X and other *nixes. It’s simple and functional but requires third-party tools for functionality such as visual Diffs. Its written in C++ and executes native code, so it’s the fastest cross-platform client.


SmartSVN is a powerful Java-based client that is offered in a basic open-source variety and an advanced commercial variety ($79). While it is Java-based, there are specific versions for Windows, OS X and Linux, each supporting their native environments (the OS X version will add custom popup menus into Finder as an example).

SyncroSVN is another fully featured, commercial Java-based client available for windows, OS X and Linux, tailored to each platform. It retails for $99 and a free 30-day trial is available. This suffers more than the other cross-platform clients with regards to the user interface (I have never seen MDI child windows with OS X style window management buttons in any other application before).

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JSVN is a very no-frills, open-source option and is quite functional. It is by far the fastest Java-based client.

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Subclipse is an add-on to the cross-platform Eclipse IDE (which is Java-based, but language independent) . This requires you to upgrade the command-line SVN client that comes with Leopard from 1.4 to 1.5, however, and is best suited to those who already use Eclipse regularly.

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What do you think?

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Best Svn Client For Mac

What’s your favorite Subversion client for OS X? Are there any other clients I don’t know about? Let us know with a comment.